I’ll go ahead and skip the fluff and backstory on why I wanted to share this recipe because I think every adult human can relate to at least one thing: muscle pain. Working, childcare, gardening, exercise, stress…. No matter the cause, we all know the feeling.

While I make no claims for chronic medical conditions, infections, or other serious ailments, the Sore Muscle Salve spelled out in this article is made from 100% natural materials that will do wonders for those aches and pains that go hand-in-hand with average, everyday life.

What’s Inside

  • Dandelion Infused Jojoba Oil: Dandelion flowers contain mild pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, while Jojoba oil is incredible for your skin.
  • Arnica Oil: One of the best natural substances to use for muscle aches, bruises, and sprains, Arnica Oil is derived from an eastern European flower and is known to have powerful healing and anti-inflammatory properties when used topically.**
  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil: A commonly used essential oil for joint and muscle pain, including Arthritis and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Eucalyptus is a strong anti-inflammatory. It also provides an aromatherapy aspect by helping to clear the mind of stress and fogginess.
  • Coconut Oil: Used here mostly as a carrier, Coconut oil allows you to create a soft, smooth salve for easy application, while also moisturizing the skin.
  • Beeswax: A staple in salve making, beeswax is used to thicken the consistency of the salve, allowing you to create a more solid form in which to deliver the oils.

What Else You Need

  • Tin or glass container (3 fluid ounces for this recipe. You can adjust the quantity of ingredients for different sizes)
  • Small disposable plate (Optional)
  • Wax thermometer
  • Double Boiler

For more information on a Double Boiler and Wax Thermometer, CLICK HERE

The Process

  1. Melt 2 Tbsp of Coconut Oil, 2 Tbsp of Dandelion Jojoba Oil and 1 Tbsp of beeswax in your double boiler. Make sure all the wax has melted and give it a good swirl.
  2. Test the consistency of your salve (making sure it isn’t to hard or soft) by pouring a tiny amount onto your disposable plate. Wait a couple minutes for it to cool and rub a little with your finger to see if you like the consistency. If it’s too hard, add more Jojoba oil. If it’s too soft, add a couple more pellets of beeswax.  (You can skip this step if you don’t want to use a disposable plate, but don’t test on any surface that you wouldn’t want covered in wax).
  3. Once you have the right consistency, use your wax thermometer to test the temperature of your mixture. You will only want to add the Eucalyptus and Arnica Oil once the temp has dropped to about 130 degrees so they don’t burn off. Click here for more information on testing wax temperature.
  4. Once you hit 130 degrees, add 15 drops of Eucalyptus and 15 drops of Arnica oil and stir/swirl the mixture very well. This small bit of oil shouldn’t effect your consistency. You don’t want to reheat your mixture (to melt more beeswax) once you’ve added your essential oils, so be sure to check your consistency before this step.
  5. Place your tin onto the disposable plate (to catch any possible spills), and slowly pour the mixture to near the top of the tin, careful not to spill over.
  6. Allow the salve to cool for at least 30-60 mins before using.

To Use

Your Sore Muscle Salve is great to use everyday or multiple times a day!** Using the tips of your fingers, rub the salve onto your target areas and massage deeply into the muscles. There is no need to wash the salve off your skin; allow it to seep into your skin and into your muscle tissue. Added bonus, the Jojoba and Coconut Oil will leave your skin feeling soft and amazing!

I hope you love using it as much as I do, cheers!

*Arnica oil is not to be ingested, and should not be used to heal open cuts or sores.

**This recipe has not been reviewed by the FDA and should not be used in lieu of medical help for chronic or serious conditions. Make sure to consult with your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have any other medical conditions. Don’t use if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.