It’s no secret that facial toner is a vastly beneficial component of any daily skin care routine. What you may not know is that it only requires a few simple ingredients to create an effective toner to clean and tighten the pours, remove remaining bacteria and reduce redness/inflammation.

All Hail Witch Hazel!

If you look at the ingredients list on any major toner, I’m willing to bet that the first two ingredients are water and witch hazel (or synthetic version of it). With those two things alone, you already have a powerful, inexpensive toner. Why? Witch hazel has been used for centuries to heal and purify the skin. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory (used for everything from under eye bags to hemorrhoids) and is a staple in natural medicine cabinets for its ability to gently disinfect and heal the skin. Witch hazel is also known to tighten your pores and balance pH levels, making it the perfect toner component.

Similar to essential oils, it is a good practice to dilute witch hazel with to ensure it isn’t too abrasive for your skin. Using distilled or purified water is a good option for this. Witch hazel is an astringent after all, which can lead to excessive drying if used every day. Though it’s fine to use full strength on bug bites or cuts, full strength on your face may be too harsh, especially if you have sensitive skin. See the recipe below for the ratio.

Make it Herbal

While witch hazel and water may be all that you need, other substances could be added to your toner for additional benefits. Just keep in mind, less is more. We use toners to help clear and tighten the skin; adding too many other ingredients may have the opposite effect, especially if you’re pairing your toner with a moisturizer.

Essential Oils

Depending on your type of skin, a few drops of essential oils into your toner could do wonders. Refer the chart below for the different benefits of some of the commonly used oils:

Herbal or Floral Water

Infused water is a great way to easily add different benefits and fragrances to your facial toner. When picking your infused water be sure to take note if something needs to be refrigerated. It can still be used in your toner, but you’ll have to make a trip to the fridge each time.

Homemade Rose Water

Orange Blossom Water: Hydrating, closes and tightens pores, soothes irritation.

Rose Water: Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, reduces redness,

Cucumber Water: High in vitamins (B & C), soothing, Anti-inflammatory

Click here for a list of other options from Hello Glow 

The Recipe

Ok, so we’ve talked about your different options, now let’s bring it all together:


  • 4- 6 oz Cosmetic Bottle
  • 2 oz Distilled Water
  • 2 oz Organic Witch Hazel
  • 2-3 Drops Essential Oils (optional)
  • And/or
  • 1 oz Infused Water (Optional) replace 1 oz of distilled water with infused water


  • Add all the ingredients into a measuring cup or other receptacle with a spout. Test your toner on the inside of your forearm to ensure it causes no irritation or discomfort. If it does, further dilute the mixture with distilled water.
  • Once you’re happy with your mixture, slowly pour the toner into your cosmetic bottle with a small funnel. Many reusable cosmetic bottles will come with a funnel but you can also use one for a flask.
  • Shake well before each use.
  • To use: pour a nickel to quarter size amount into a cotton round or reusable pad and apply to a clean, dry face.
  • The ingredients used will determine its shelf life. Witch Hazel and water alone can last up to 3 years, but infused water may have a shelf life of a month to a year.

Enjoy your all-natural, homemade beauty!

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide medical advice. Always discontinue use if any irritation occurs, and consult with your doctor with any questions or concerns on ingredients.